Tag Archives: joy

Gratitude, the 8th step of Mind Chi

Want to make 2024 a super year for you?

Then here is an easy suggestion for you!

NO dramatic changes!

NO revolutions instead of resolutions!

Just gentle nudges and small steps.

In steps 3 & 4 of the Mind Chi 8-step/minute routine, you review the past 24 hours, either from now back or from 24 hours earlier until now.

Mind Chi Basic 8-minute routine
Mind Chi Basic 8-minute routine

In the step 3 you look for the NEGATIVE – yes!

Seek the things that you wish you had said, done or thought in a better way.
This is NOT for you to feel guilty, but to seek ‘What would I have rather done/said/thought?’ And to craft a small step to make it less next time.

You count those negative incidences in your NON-dominant hand, and when your minute is up, you wipe or blow them away, keep the lessons and let the past be past!

Step 4 is the counter balance

Here you seek all the large and small things where you felt success. When you complete an action, when something turns out well, when you are kind, or know you have done the right thing count all these on your dominant hand.
When this minute is up, hold on to your successes, put them in your success bank, associate them with all your other successes to build and strengthen your self-concept.

Begin 2024 with a review of 2023

What were your successes, where might you improve? Take the lessons from the past year and gently knit them in to your actions and beingness for 2024.

With this simple daily routine, taking only 8 minutes you can re-wire your brain to create the you, you wish to be. Furthermore, once you take the reins of yourself, you may find all relationships and experiences are improved.

Please do let us know how this works for you. Happy, joyful and satisfying New Year to you.

DK Capture Photography in Poole Bournemouth www.dk-capture.com

To request a 15 minute Mind Chi Chat with Vanda to explore how Mind Chi might assist you, your group, team or company build resilience and joy! 
Vanda@TheChangeMakergroup.com or Vanda@MindChi.com

And for more marvellous Mind Chi blogs:

Want more resilience for your organisation, here:

Here is a short cartoon about ‘Resilience for Change’

Chi Chat – 13 easy steps to build a resilient workforce

Do you wish you had a more resilient workforce?

What would the advantages to you be for such an action?

Are you loosing focused work time through sickness and mental absenteeism?

Do you think there is a relationship between a resilient company and your personnel?

If any of these spark your interest, read on, here is an excellent article explaining easy ways to increase your staff resilience:

How to build a resilient workforce

Building workforce resilience

Mind Chi is a very simple 8-step/minute routine which can assist you, your team and whole company feel more in control of themselves and have increased energy and even joy at work!

Please contact us if you are feeling the need to enhance your workforce resilience.

DK Capture Photography in Poole Bournemouth www.dk-capture.com

To request a 15 minute Mind Chi Chat with Vanda to explore how Mind Chi might assist you, your group, team or company build resilience and joy! 
Vanda@TheChangeMakergroup.com or Vanda@MindChi.com

And for more marvellous Mind Chi blogs:

Want more resilience for your organisation, here:

Here is a short cartoon about ‘Resilience for Change’