Category Archives: News

Marvelous Mind Chi Monday – symbols

Marvellous Mind Chi Monday – symbols of love, sadness, joy, memories, and the richness of all life has to share.

Whether it is a large one, like this, or a teeny butterfly 🦋 broach, they encapsulate a wealth.

Symbols packed with meaning and memories.

Do you have one?

Symbols have great power to automatically refresh memories in your brain. You see the symbol and in a flash a multi-sensory experience that is associated fills your thoughts.

You often give an inanimate object a symbol, and new research shows that when you see it, the social cognition and language areas of your brain light up.

See other Marvelous Mind Chi Monday missives, click here:

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Find out how to build your personal, group or organisational resilience, it is here!

The gifts of the season

Marvelous Mind Chi Monday- embrace the changes

Cooking up the fruits of the season!

Embrace the changes

September, the launch of a shift of seasons.

With each change comes the possibility of new gifts – if you stay open and look out for them.

Resilience is enhanced by embracing the changes, remaining flexible, seeking the opportunities, and enJOYing what you have.

A little foraging, careful picking among the stinging nettles and razor sharp thorns, serenaded by bird song, warmed by the sun, and the result is abundant blackberries.
Now bubbling away and becoming blackberry jelly.

In conclusion, make the most of all you DO have!

More Mind Chi Monday posts here: Chat to Vanda here: Find out more here: