Tag Archives: vanda north

Your Chi decision making matrix

Chi Chats – making difficult decisions

I suddenly find myself with 3 very different situations which require some deep mulling.

They are difficult decisions because there is a conflict of how I feel versus what I feel I should do!
Where is that line between caring for someone and not listening to my inner voice.
Where is that line of how much I am needed versus how much I think I am needed!
Where is that line of how far do I stick my nose in to someone else’s business?

To help me, I created a matrix, and I share it here in case it might assist you too!

The Chi aided decision making matrix

As you probably know the Chi of Mind Chi means your energy, your mental energy.
You are aware of the Chi chatter that is going on in your head and constantly builds your energy up, or depletes it.

I tuned in to three Chi voices:
1. My heart Chi – the caring for the other(s) and me
2. My brain Chi – what are the pros and cons of the situation and
3. My gut Chi – how does my stomach feel when I think about it.

This is the link for a short Chi Chat video as I go through the ramifications for each situation.

Here is the outcome and the actions I need to take to move forward.

Chi Chats - making difficult decisions - a matrix for you
I find myself with 3 difficult situations, here is a Chi matrix to help you with your decisions
Chi aided decision making

Please let me know if you think this may help you and any difficult decision making you may have to do!

Chi & I look forward to seeing / hearing from YOU!!!

To book a 15 minute Mind Chi Chat with Vanda to explore how Mind Chi might assist you, your group, team or company build resilience and joy!

And for more marvellous Mind Chi blogs:

Want more resilience for your organisation, here:

Here is a short cartoon about ‘Resilience for Change’

Vanda's purpose is to share JOY!

Chi Chat – anyone there??!!

My purpose on this planet is to share the enhancement of JOY in your life!

I committed to do this when I was 7 years old, and in some shape or form I have included it in my daily routines since then.

Over the past few years, every Monday, I have produced the Marvellous Mind Chi Mondays, and more recently the Chi Chats. This weekend I started to wonder, ‘Am I doing any good?’ Is anyone here? Am I reaching you? Am I helping in any way?

I am constantly reminded of all the battles, misfortunes, upsets and unhappiness you are suffering.
What might I be able to address that might move you in the more joy-filled direction? What form of communication is best for you?

Here is my little video for todays topic.

Please let Chi and me hear/see from YOU!

Chi & I look forward to seeing / hearing from YOU!!!

To book a 15 minute Mind Chi Chat with Vanda to explore how Mind Chi might assist you, your group, team or company build resilience and joy!

And for more marvellous Mind Chi blogs:

Want more resilience for your organisation, here:

Here is a short cartoon about ‘Resilience for Change’