Category Archives: Master Mentors

Vanda North

Vanda North Vanda is the Founder & CEO of Mind Chi Ltd. Mind Chi – based on the book – shows you how to rewire your brain in just 8 minutes a day. This allows you to control the ravages of stress, build your resilience and direct your mental energy for greater success in business and life.

Vanda also conducts a range of seminars related to ‘The Art of Self Leadership’ based on her lessons from climbing Mt Kilimanjaro. Some topics are: ‘Think, Learn & Create’;’ Managing Change’: ‘Did I Say What You Thought You Heard’; ‘Living History’ and ‘Happiness & Wellness’. Her ‘Joyshops’ are also highly acclaimed for creating positive change in peoples’ lives.

She has written several books, the most recent, ‘Mind Chi – rewire your brain in 8 minutes a day – 50 strategies for success in business & life’ already in eight languages. Also, the best seller “Get Ahead” now translated into nine languages,  as well as many training manuals in the areas of business management and wellness. Nightingale Conant launched her ‘Joy Journey’ program in 2000, which is receiving profound reviews.